Please follow these simple steps:

  To Sign Up

  1. Go to the Members portal.

  2. Select the Sign-up option

  3. A window will open that prompts you to key in your National ID Number. Next key in the security code. A five-digit number is required. Then click submit.

  4. You will then receive an SMS/Email with a temporary password from BANKKUUCOOP. Use the system generated temporary password to log into the portal. Please note it should be the telephone number/ email address you have registered at Banki Kuu Sacco Sacco. If you don't get an SMS kindly check your email or CONTACT US.

  5. Then select the BACK TO LOGIN option to log in to the portal. You will be prompted to change your password. Use your new password to access your account


 To Login

  1. Go to the Members portal.

  2. A window will open that prompts you to key in your National ID Number.

  3. Next key in the member number. A six-digit number is required. E.g. BKS9999 OR for CBK, KSMS & KDIC staff use their staff no. in place of the membership no.

  4. Next key your password in the third field.

  5. Finally key in the security CAPTCHA code. Then click log in.


  Reset Password

  1. Go to the Members portal.

  2. Select the Reset Password option

  3. A window will open that prompts you to key in your National ID Number. Next key in the security code. A five-digit number is required. Then click submit.

  4. You will then receive an SMS/Email with a temporary password from BANKKUUCOOP. Use the system generated temporary password to log into the portal. Please note it should be the telephone number/ email address you have registered at Banki Kuu Sacco Sacco. If you don't get an SMS kindly check your email or CONTACT US.

  5. Then select the BACK TO LOGIN option to log in to the portal. You will be prompted to change your password. Use your new password to access your account



Should you have a problem registering or accessing the members portal please contact us on 
 Tel: +2540111052399 or +254(020)286398/2/3/4
  Mobile: +254(0)724256651